Welcome to The Promised Land

This Icebar is a tribute to all people who have left their homes in the search for something better. Some of them were forced to leave because of political, religious or economic reasons, and some of them left because they had a dream of creating a better life elsewhere. With the hope of maybe one day returning to the place where they were born, the human being has always been moving. When things turn to the worse in one place we move to a better one, or at least we try.

History shows that the conditions for our lives can change in a blink of an eye. In the mid 1800s life changed for many Swedes. Some left by choice, but most left because they couldn’t see any future here. To emigrate was the only possible way to provide a better life for them and their families.

Here’s to the brave ones. To the ones following their dreams. To the ones that have the courage to cross seas to find a new home – their promised land.

Design and construction April 2019, together with Karl-Johan Ekeroth